Name: Haile, Daniel
Title: Co-Founder and Executive VP of Texas Pride Fuels
Texas A&M Class: 1996
Inducted: 2017
Born and raised in Archer City, Texas, Dan Haile grew up in a hardworking household, which instilled him with determination from a young age. He began spending his summers helping out as his father’s welding shop at the age of ten, and has not stopped working since. Those hot months building barns, corrals, and fences may have been the catalyst for him to pursue accounting once he came to Texas A&M University. He graduated from Archer City High School in 1992 and entered Texas A&M University that fall.
Although Dan spent much of his off time during his years at A&M working, he was able to be active in the Agricultural Economics Society, and the Beta Alpha Psi Accounting Honors Society. He participated with Big Event community service project for five years. In 1996, Dan Haile graduated from Texas A&M with a B.B.A. in Accounting as well is a B.S. in Agribusiness.
Dan Haile started his professional career and entrepreneurial drive when he co-founded Haile Bros. Land & Cattle Co while at Texas A&M University, a company he and his brother still manage to this day. In 1997 he was hired by Monfort Beef and Lamb, Inc. as an operations analyst. Dan spent his time there managing the profit and loss statements, gaining experience that would ultimately benefit his future venture. In 1999, Ascent Management, Inc. recruited Mr. Haile. He spent two years there as a financial analyst creating and maintaining departmental budget systems. Dan moved to Wichita Falls, TX in January of 2002 and was hired by Sauder Management Company. As the Accounting Manager, he had full oversight of administrative and accounting functions as well as revenue distribution systems for oil wells in West Texas. This was the first experience Dan had in the oil and gas industry.
In 2005, Dan founded what would become his greatest business success, Texas Pride Fuels, Ltd. During the start-up phase of the organization, his primary duty was keeping tabs on all finances and growth opportunities. While Texas Pride Fuels made progress, Mr. Haile co-founded another company, Caprock Energy Services, LLC. Caprock Energy provided water transfer services to fracking crews, drilling rigs, and other oilfield locations in Texas and Oklahoma. The company was extremely successful and was ultimately acquired by a business competitor. To this day, Dan serves as the Executive Vice-President of Texas Pride Fuels. He uses his past experiences in finance and accounting to handle all administrative duties while actively making decisions for the direction of the organization. He most enjoys conquering the challenges faced in owning a private venture as well as that of a highly-volatile oil market.
Dan is an avid supporter of the Department of Agricultural Economics at Texas A&M University, contributing to numerous program initiatives and sharing with students the challenges and successes that entrepreneurship can bring. Dan has been extremely active in his community, serving on the Archer City Council from 2007-2009 and on the Archer Community Foundation from 2003-2013. The Foundation’s primary goal was to restore and remodel the Royal Theatre. Dan used his expertise in accounting and finance to re-order the records and accounts. He also enjoys volunteering at the Archer City Stock Show, and set up an awards ceremony for the Board Members, many of which were critical in founding the event. Dan has also earned recognition in being named to the Aggie 100 in 2014, 2015, and 2016.
Dan, his wife, Susan, and daughter, Tara, live near Archer City, Texas.